Addons don't work in Windows

Moderators: The Chef, cg0

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The Chef
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Addons don't work in Windows

Post by The Chef »

Issue with addons not working in windows.
By Veronica Bennor:
Windows Defender updated.
It will flag all addons who obfuscate their files, the workaround is to exclude the Kodi folder in the Windows Defender scan configuration, assuming you don't disable Windows Defender altogether.

Comment from an Asgard dev in case excluding Kodi folder in Defender isn't enough:
"On Defender, look at your protection history and allow it from there or tell it to restore it."

DaButcher: How to EDIT Windows Defender Settings

Some other AV apps flag addons as viruses.
By Diggz:
AV apps give false positive results on some Kodi addons.
Diggz checks them anyways, latest one The Crew and the previous ones just used obfuscated code to hide their API keys.
You can allow them on your AV to keep addons working, or disable your AV while using Kodi.

An alternative solution for win defender blocking addons, from a dev of The Crew:
"Install Mcafee free antivirus then delete The Crew and it’s dependencies or start fresh and you shouldn’t have any issues as it will disable the shitty windows defender."

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