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Install Kodi Omega

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2023 3:42 pm
by cg0
Builds are available for Kodi Omega only.
If you used Kodi 18.9 (Leia) or another major version like Kodi 20 (Matrix) before, clear data, uninstall Kodi, then install Kodi Nexus.
If you reinstall the same Kodi version without clearing data and uninstalling Kodi first, issues will be probably inherited.

If you update from Kodi v21.1 to v21.2 using Downloader, your build will be intact.
If you update major versions (18-19, 19-20, 20-21 -or the reverse, 21-20) always clear data, uninstall previous Kodi, install next Kodi.

Type & install the following in Downloader's address bar:

Install Kodi in Downloader with my short links:
Short link for Downloader for 32 bit devices:

Short link for Downloader for 64 bit devices:

Install Kodi with Downloader:
Type in Downloader:

Click on the android icon, [see it mentions latest Kodi (Omega)], and choose 32 bit or 64 bit, and install it.
Is my device 32 bit or 64bit?
Amazon users should use 32 bit.
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You may also use Kodi Android Installer:
Download and Install Kodi android packages; select from Nightlies, Releases, Snapshots and Test-builds.

Dolby Vision

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2023 8:31 pm
by cg0
If your devices do not support Dolby Vision -you'll see weird colors- or you simply don't want to see DV sources, you can disable DV in most addons settings.
Dolby Vision
To get Maven's Kodi that supports Dolby Vision, go here, click Kodi version and select Nexus, then get the 64 or the 32 bit version.
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For Dolby Vision you could also try this:
Kodi 21 Dolby Vision support.
Kodi 21 (Omega) is supposed to support Dolby Vision, you may try the 2 alternatives above for Kodi 21 as well.