Wizard solutions:
If you get an error when you try to open the wizard, try uninstalling then reinstalling it.
If dependencies are missing when installing the wizard, see Fix missing dependencies.
Some peeps mentioned that clearing Kodi data, then uninstalling Kodi (even current version), installing Kodi, installing latest Kodi, then installing the build -in that order-, worked for them.
Diggz URL & repo solutions:
Make sure you typed Diggz URL correctly from the Installing Guide.
Make sure you have used a Colon : and not a Semicolon ; as the 19.4 keyboard needs shift to get it to show.
Try http instead of https with the repo.
Try the other URLs from the Installing Guide.
Some antivirus apps and VPNs might interfere and you might not be able to install the repo. Disable them temporarily.
Unplug device and modem/router for 5 minutes. Sometimes your router needs a reset.
Some ISPs and routers block addons as well as Diggz Repo, you might be lucky enough to change your router settings to stop blockage.
Check Unlock routers page if yours is there.
If you open https://tinyurl.com/diggz123 in a browser and see what the pic shows, the URL is not blocked by your ISP or router.
Try using a mobile hotspot instead of your network.
Set up a mobile hotspot.
If nothing works you may try using another DNS like Cloudflare or using a VPN to bypass your ISP and install a build.
You may check your router's parental or security settings, or your ISP apps that control your internet, for blocked sites.
Example disabling security settings in AT&T to allow Diggz URL to work:
The problem is with the security settings in the Smart Home Manager software from AT&T.
Steps to disable.
1. Open AT&T Smart Home Manager.
2. Click on Home Network Hardware.
3. Click on WIFi Gateway.
4. Click on Advanced Settings below.
5. Click on Firewall tab.
6. Click on Security options.
7. Click on User Disable Security options.
8. Close AT&T Smart Home Manager.
See the rest of Chef Wizard issues and FAQ.
Final suggestions:
Again, try clearing data, uninstalling Kodi, installing Kodi, then the build -in that order.
If that fails too, try a factory reset, install Kodi then the build.
The repo doesn't work
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